General Informations about Trailers
Trailers in Europe are a common and cheap way to carry nearly any goods and cargo from one place to another.
Trailers are very cost-effective - they need no fuel and oil - you just need a car to pull in case of use. The car needs just an additional part for pulling trailers - this is universal.
Below you find some basic informations for the large possibilities of trailers and technical information.
If you need - you use
If you dont need - leave it at home.
The application possibilities of trailers are varied and nearly boundless.
Transport of
Stones, bricks, wood, Waste, furniture, machinery, building materials, motorcycles, cars, refrigerated items, any goods and stuff is easy,
comfortable and without any damage or dirt on your own car... the way - you can use the trailer as a perfect advertisement-attraction by placing your companys name, so everybody can remember you as a professional an perfect eqipped company with a progressive way to work while you delivery and transport the good through your area.
As you can see the varietys of trailer are multiple, also the size, load and qualityrange.
We can deliver inexpensive basic universal models as good as special equipment for your special needs.
You can even pull another broken car with a trailer from one place to te next
You can get it with hardcase to store your tools an material all the time. If you need to take it with you, just put the trailer on you car and go whereever you like...
You need to keep your freight cool? No problem with friged trailers...
We sell Trailers made in Germany an Europe and offer the solution for any need, quality and pricerange.
Upgrade on your car
- coupling
- electric set
Thats it. Both are available as both universal and specifically for your vehicle.
This is the universal set to connect the plug of your trailer.
you connect it to the cables of
Thats it. By connecting the tralier per "plug & play" the trailer lights will give
the same singals als your car does.
If you have a trailer with own Brakes (usually Trailers with more than 750kg Load)
it will also break the trailer as you brake the car.
######### Available Offers ##########
Stema Trailer 750kg
year: Brandnew
weight: 100 kg
load: 650 kg (German
max total: 750 kg (German standard)
Lenght of load: 2.040 mm
Wide of load: 1.160 mm
Height: 300 mm (open to the top)
including Basic Coupling & Electric Set as shown above
Boxtrailer Stema "Made in Germany"
Knott (german) axis, rubber-cushioned
Fully galvanized chassis with
metal fenders
Cargo floor made of waterproof glued multi-layer plate
Removable rear tailgate
German & EU Papers
Garantuee for 6 months
Price: 499,00 €
Stema Trailer 750kg incl. SOFTTOP
year: Brandnew
weight: 110 kg
load: 640 kg
max total: 750 kg
Lenght of load: 2.040 mm
Wide of load: 1.160 mm
Height of load: 1.020 mm (inkl. removable softtop)
including Basig Coupling and Electric Set as shown above
Casetrailer Stema "Made in Germany"
Knott axis, rubber-cushioned
Fully galvanized chassis with
metal fenders
Cargo floor made of waterproof glued multi-layer plate
Removable rear tailgate
Color of Softtop: lightgrey (put your company name on)
Price: 649,00 including softtop